Moments We Share

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Sometimes I am struck with amazement,
at the moments we share.
Each one defining out souls
and shows the depth of which we care.

The moments we need to talk
about everything between the earth and sky.
We remenice and speak of dreams
and discover all the reasons why.

Then there are the moments we sit in comfortable silence
to gather our ideas, thoughts, and power.
Content to sit in unspoken solitude
to turn peace unto the hour.

The moments when we sleep well,
just because the other is near.
Sleepy I love you-s and gentle squeezes
to erase the day's worry and fear.

The moment of a kiss so passionate it takes
my breath away and sends tingles down my spine.
The world just stops and disappears
leaving just you and me and time.

The moments I look at our life
and know how lucky we are.
Together we can do anything
look how we have come so far.

I treasure every kiss, every touch,
the words we speak and the tears we share.
Each moment with you gives my life new meaning
It picks me up and mends each tear.
Thank you for the moments that give me life.

written by
Rain Silverhawk

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